Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My 500th Post

Can you believe I've written 500 blogs, sent over 11,000 Tweets and still manage to have some in-real-life friends? Cause needless to say, I cannot. Well I should be writing something huge and meaningful, but because I'm exhausted I shall not - in fact the minute I hit 'Publish Post' I think I'mma go have a nana nap, cause I am one tired mother fucker! Oh look, I swore. Gosh.

Alright, this post is dismal - I will come back and fix it up laterz. (maybe) Also I need to do last weeks AND this weeks 'Celebrity of the Week'. It's been a bad month for Joey Nation, apologies to my tens of readers. -eyeroll-

Edit: Alright so here I am writing more, like, a few hours later. So as I said, I was off for a nana nap - had it but only was actually asleep for about 20/30 minutes, wasn't very successful. I woke up feeling even more sick and miserable and after hearing about swine flu at Garin... I'm pretty sure I've got swine flu! How fucked up and horrible is that? Feeling like shit & not happy about it. There's way too much happening at school to be away, so this is gonna cause me even more stress and panic than I already have. Loves it.

If anyone wanted to just kill me now and save me from illnesses and stress, let alone life, I'd be much obliged.