Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Notes from Zambia

Aug. 16, 2010 THE BIG FINISH

It’s hard to believe that our time in this intriguing, beautiful land is quickly drawing to a close! After two weeks of intense work, we compiled and presented our case studies to COMACO staff. The results of our findings and recommendations definitely generated much healthy and thought-provoking discussion among all participants. At the close of this morning-long activity, we presented thank-you cards and gifts to all staff members who played a role in our program from beginning to end. Although we all look forward to returning to our loved ones back in the U.S., our hearts were heavy as we said our good-byes to our new friends and colleagues. We hope that we will one day be able to meet again to continue our work and build our friendships.

We depart tomorrow morning for the first leg of our journey back across the pond, thus we will not have e-mail access until our return to Washington, D.C. on August 19; so . . . see ya soon!

The Z-Team

Aug. 14-15, 2010

What a fascinating and relaxing weekend we had at the It’s Wild Bush Camp! We departed on Saturday morning in the hands of our most capable driver and guide, Charles Ngoma (he also serves as the manager of the camp). Although the actual drive takes only two hours from Mfuwe, we took our time (around six hours) and made frequent stops to explore a national park and wildlife management area and to view the wildlife and vegetation. Once we finally arrived at the camp, we were greeted by the friendly and capable staff who provided first-class treatment. For the remainder of the afternoon until early evening, we were led on a short nature hike. We had a restful night, being serenaded by the nearby hippos and other creatures of the bush. The next morning, we were served breakfast at 5:30 a.m. then departed for a three-and-a-half hour hike at 6 a.m. During this walk, we were guided through a large portion of the park and were able to view such wildlife as elephants, hippos, impalas, kudus, giraffes and baboons. Upon our return, we enjoyed a tasty brunch, relaxed a bit and then headed back to Mfuwe. Friends and family, get ready to see lots of pictures upon our return home!

The Z-Team