Thursday, August 19, 2010

Youth Olympics Games in Singapore 2010 Middle and Long Distance

PICTURE 1 - United Arab Emirates' Alia Saeed was the fastest to qualify for 3000m girls of the overall qualifying round.
Girls’ 3000m Race Qualifying Round

1 UAE Alia Saeed (9:15:15) 
2 Chn Lijiao (9:18:40)
3 Jap Moe Kyuma (9:26:64)

Boys' 3000m Race Qualifying Round
1 Ind  Patel Indrajeet (8:16:26)
2 Jap Nishiike Kazuto (8:16.63)
3 SArabia Abdullah Ibrahim Essa (8:19.80)

2000m Steeplechase Qualification

After the start of the 2000m race, Kenya's runner by the name of Mutuku Peter Matheka ran to the front to lead the runners. After the first water-jump, he pulled away from the est of the runners and was having a comfortable lead. This went on until the second water jump, where Ethiopia's Fayisa Habtamu and Peter Matheka came out of the pack and maintained the top three positions.

At the last 1km of the steeplechase race, Kenya's Peter Matheka was starting to open up the lead and kept pull away. At the 3rd water-jump, he was having a 10metres lead from the nearest competitor. At the last 2 round of the 2000m steeplechase race, Peter was having a lead of 12m. At the 4th water-jump, the lead was going to 20 metres. The lead was 25-30m at the last round of the race, where Peter kept surging. Peter was leading all the way until the last water-jump, Fayisa Habtamu, from Ethiopia was around 10 metres away and started to catch up Peter. At the last 50metres, there was a tussle for a win. Fayisa had another gear in his leg to finally finish as the fastest finisher.

1 ETH FAYISA Habtamu  5:38.62 PB
2 KEN MUTUKU Peter Matheka 5:38.72 PB
3 UGA KIPROTICH Zakaria 5:44.51 PB
4 YEM ELAYAH Waleed 5:51.58 PB
5 ALG TABTI Bilal 5:56.21 PB
6 SUD DAIFALLA Yousif 5:56.46 PB
7 EGY ATTIATALLA Salem  6:03.41
8 USA WONG Daniel 6:05.92 PB
9 ESP MORCILLO David 6:10.90
10 ROU ROSU Laurentiu 6:12.77
11 AUS GWYNNE Grant 6:16.83
12 BRA ETCHECHURY Ioran 6:39.87 
13 TUN SALHI Bacem 6:43.17 

 1000m 2:50.17 455 MUTUKU Peter Matheka (KEN)


1 KEN NYAMBURA Virginia  6:42.40
2 ETH TSENGA Tsehynesh 6:46.08
3 UKR RAITA Oksana 6:52.36
4 CHN LI Lijiao  6:54.70 PB
5 MDA CRAVCENCO Doina 6:59.88
6 BRA DA SILVA 7:01.84 PB
7 BLR PUZAKOVA Anastasiya 7:03.02
8 MAR SIOUD Nour 7:04.61 PB
9 FRA HABOLD Nina 7:05.25
10 CAN HAYWARD Katelyn 7:05.71
11 MAR DULAK Katarzyna  7:09.75
12 MAR TIJANI Ouafa 7:17.77
13 ROU LOGHIN Dana 7:26.53
14 ALG MADOUI Nabila 7:29.32
15 NZL HANSEN Jenna 8:11.91
KEN 3:21.93 NYAMBURA Virginia

1000m Heat 1
1 GBR GRICE Charlie  2:24.74
2 MAR LABALI Abdelhadi 2:25.23 
3 BRA CUNHA Joseilton BRA 2:25.49 PB
4 SUD ABDELRAHMAN Elnazer 2:25.54
5 EGY MANSOUR Ahmed 2:25.55
6 BDI NIBAFASHA Patrick 2:27.26 PB
7 SRI HERATH Indunil 2:30.83 PB
8 CHI PEIRANO Alejandro 2:31.96
9 PLE HAMMODA Nour Aldin 2:36.67 PB
10 NZL MATHAS Brad 2:44.64

1 ETH GELETO Mohammed 2:24.40
2 QAT DRIOUCH Hamza  2:24.51
3 SLO RUDOLF Zan 2:24.63 PB
MAR ENGLISH Mark IRL 2:25.39
5 ERI JORJO Chuchu 2:25.40
6 BAR MASCOLL Anthonio 2:25.43
7 AUS WHITEHEAD Rick 2:27.81 PB
8 SIN DEVARAJ Zachary Ryan 2:32.27 PB
9 SOM KULOW Abdulahi 2:36.17
10 ANG REIS Nelson 2:37.09

1000m For Girls Heat 1
1 UKR TKACHUK Anastasiya 2:43.55
2 GBR PEEL Georgia 2:45.78
3 SUI SCHLAEPFER Andrina 2:46.09
4 AUS BLUNDELL Jenny 2:46.58
5 USA FRANCIS Claudia 2:51.99 SB
6 AHO PHILBERT Vanessa 2:57.83
7 TUR DOLEK Esin Bahar 2:59.03
8 GEQAYENE NVO Marina 3:02.64
9 GHA LUONAB Rita 3:03.06
10 NAM HANDYENE Julia 3:04.29
11 SIN RAJA Ranjitha 3:07.66
12 GUY STRAKER Jevina 3:08.19
13 CAF GUELA Christelle 3:12.47
14 BDI BUKURU Francine 3:14.65 PB
15 DJI ABDI Saredo 3:19.46
16 LBA SHUSHAN Entisar 3:21.24

400m 1:04.74 - TKACHUK Anastasiya (UKR)
800m 2:10.47 714 TKACHUK Anastasiya (UKR)

1000m Girls For Girls - Heat 2
1 ETH ASHAME Tizita 2:46.34
2 GER KLEIN Hanna 2:46.93
3 KEN MUTHEE Damaris 2:47.09 PB
4 DOM MANCEBO Maria 2:51.62 PB
5 JPN NISHIWAKI Mai 2:52.85
6 RSA MAKHAFOLA Thato 2:52.92
7 TOGADJODI Pouwedeou 3:02.63
8 BER BEAN Taylor 3:08.32
9 MYA MYINT Swe Li Myint 3:09.92
10 CHA MINDA Mitsou 3:11.15 SB
11 DMA ALEXANDER Kaysanda 3:21.10
12 YEM SHARAF ADDIN Belqes 3:37.40
13 MTN FALL Aicha 3:38.36
14 HAI DEROSE Beatrice  4:10.68

400m 1:05.48 303 ASHAME Tizita (ETH)
800m 2:13.38 303 ASHAME Tizita (ETH)
