Wednesday, February 29, 2012

YRC Trucking Cutting 221 Jobs In Ohio

With the price of gasoline and diesel fuel skyrocketing again, I'm surprised we haven't seen more announcements like this one from the Dayton Business Journal:
YRC Worldwide is cutting jobs in Ohio as it cuts costs and reduces its presence through its trucking subsidiaries operating in the state, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

The Dispatch reported that YRC Freight notified Ohio officials it would cut 121 jobs from a trucking terminal in Columbus. The cuts include 64 drivers, 33 dock workers, 18 mechanics and six switchers, according to the report.

Last month the company said it was cutting 100 jobs in Akron.
Back in 2008 during the first major peak oil related spike in oil prices, there were a lot of stories in the news about distressed trucking businesses. Expect another such wave of stories if this current spike worsens as expected.

Bonus: The theme song for the silliest movie about trucks ever made