Thursday, March 1, 2012

Force Protection Plant In Ladson (South Carolina) Laying Off 155

Another mass layoff story from the defense war industry--short, sweet and to the point, from a South Carolina television station:
Force Protection plant in Ladson laying off 155 people. News 2 has learned the plant, that was recently purchased by General Dynamics, is notifying 155 employees this week that they are being laid off.

Force Protection spokesman Tommy Pruitt tells News 2 no other layoffs are anticipated at this time.

He says, "the adjustments are having very little to no impact on production side."
And don't forget the Corporate FlackSpeak:
Following a careful assessment of the operations and ongoing requirements of the business, General Dynamics has determined that it is necessary to reduce the size of our work force at the business formerly known as Force Protection. Employees are being notified this week. Approximately 155 employees are affected. The positions are primarily administrative and professional.

Making this change improves the overall strength and competitiveness of the business. We will continue to employ an estimated 600 employees in the greater Charleston, South Carolina, area.
These assholes are so wrapped up in their business school, MBA mindsets that it never occurs to them just how insensitive it is to tell the world that the employees you just fired were holding the company back from being competitive.

Bonus: Bill's classic bit on the first Gulf War--if he only knew