Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Michael Parenti: Political Science/History/Media Activist

Michael Parenti (Wikipedia)

Michael Parenti: Political Archive (Personal Website)

Parenti, Michael. "Contrary Notions." FORA TV (January 17, 2008)

---. "Globalization: The New Imperialism." Unwelcome Guests (March 22, 2000)

---. "On the Culture Struggle." Democracy Now (May 8, 2007)

Parenti, Michael and Howard Zinn. "The US Constitution and the Rebellion that Shaped It, Pt. 1." Seeing Red Radio (September 18, 2009)

Parenti, Michael, et al. "American Imperialism." Seeing Red Radio (October 1, 2009)

Project Censored [Parenti is a national judge]